Providing outstanding legal services for over 40 years


The Most Dangerous Car Color

The Most Dangerous Car Color

When car insurance companies make calculations on the premiums that different customers pay, they hedge all of the potential costs they could incur should a crash happen. For example, if a luxury car is in an accident, the cost for those repairs is going to be much higher than a regular, mid-level model. Or, when one car has a higher safety rating than another, an insurance company may surmise that there could be less physical bodily harm and death [...]

How Does Highway Hypnosis Happen

How Does Highway Hypnosis Happen?

There are many ways that a car accident can take place. And according to Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society, driver error is responsible for as high as 99% of all crashes that take place across the country. Distracted driving, speeding, running red lights, and drunk driving are all examples of avoidable behavior that cause accidents. But what happens when you are not actively engaging in reckless behavior but still driving in a dangerous manner?  Sometimes when making [...]

Should You Call a Wrongful Death Attorney After a Deadly Car Accident

Should You Contact a Wrongful Death Attorney After a Deadly Car Accident?

The United States on an annual basis reports the highest number of car accidents than other similarly developed western countries. And Florida, as such a large and populous state also ranks near the top when it comes to the number of crashes that happen each year.  When a car accident happens the results can cause injuries and great bodily harm, and they can also be deadly. The most tragic situations are those where otherwise normal healthy individuals suffer debilitating physical [...]

Dangers of Negligent Trucking Company Hiring Practices

Dangers of Negligent Trucking Company Hiring Practices

If you were hit by a large commercial truck and you were able to walk away with your life you can consider yourself lucky. Most often when a passenger sedan is driving alongside a commercial truck and something goes wrong where the truck impacts that smaller vehicle, those occupants inside the passenger sedan sustain the most serious and debilitating injuries. Many times there are fatal outcomes for these individuals too. Much of the reason has to come down to [...]

Why Rapid Emergency Treatment After a Crash is Critical

You leave your house and get into your vehicle to get to one location or another. As you are driving you are following the rules of the road and being a responsible driver. Then, out of nowhere, another automobile comes barreling at you and everything happens so fast you are unable to avoid the ultimate collision that takes place. In seconds your car is totaled and you are in a great deal of pain. Before you know it, you [...]

How Long Can Humans Live

What Are the Top Causes of Wrongful Death in Florida?

The answer of how long you will live is not a new one nor is it one that is only asked by certain nationalities, genders, or creeds. This question is a basic human inquiry that at some point, most people will wonder about. Thinking about one’s mortality is ironically, part of life. The problem is, while the most esteemed research institutions and theological minds can talk about lifespan, no one truly knows their own date of expiration. The saying [...]

Does Prejudice Against Motorcyclists Exist

Do Motorcycles Cause More Accidents Than Cars in Florida?

When compared to other drivers, motorcyclists face the highest risk of severe harm and potential death should they be involved in a car accident.  This is because there is very little protection for a motorcycle rider. While the safety gear that a motorcycle rider can use is helpful in the event of a crash and it is highly recommended that motorcyclists use all available options, motorcycle safety gear is nonetheless much less effective than what passengers of cars, trucks, [...]

Top 5 Child Injury Accidents

Top 5 Child Injury Accidents

Keeping children safe is a priority. While there are several ways that children can sustain bumps, bruises, and other injuries there are some situations that cause the most harm to little ones. For children that are under 19 years-of-age fatal injuries are the main reason why children lose their life. Every year across the United States around nine million children will sustain physical bodily harm that requires emergency room treatment. Annually, the cost of treating child injuries is close [...]

Florida Spring Break Safety Tips

What Happens When People Are Injured in Florida During Spring Break?

Florida is one of the most popular destinations for family vacations and college students to spend time while school is out during spring break. While spring break is a time to have fun and take it easy, it is also a time of increased accidents and tragedies, especially for young college-aged students. If you plan to travel to Florida or throughout the state during spring break it is important to stay safe while you enjoy your time off. Should an [...]

The First Phone Call to Make After a Traffic Accident

The First Phone Call to Make After a Traffic Accident

Car accidents happen very frequently in the United States and the state of Florida is often found in the very top three of the states in the nation with the most fatal car accidents. In 2021 alone, the state of Florida reported 400,431 total crashes with 3,405 being fatal. Florida car accidents can be very shocking and distressing for anyone involved. Even mild fender benders can be jarring. The first thing that you may want to do is to call [...]