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Distracted Driving Caused by Use of a GPS

According to the DMV, there are three types of driver distractions: visual, manual, and cognitive distractions. These distractions occur every day when drivers remove their eyes from the road, when they reach for things in their vehicle, and when their mind is not on driving. Distracted driving can happen for many reasons and puts lives at risk. In Florida alone, hundreds of thousands of victims are hospitalized each year due to distracted driving accidents.

Unfortunately, accidents are on the rise due to the use of GPS devices while drivers are supposed to keep their attention on the roads. Approximately 26 million American households own a GPS, which means that more and more people are utilizing these pieces of technology to take them where they want to go. Drivers are too busy focusing on their screens at times rather than paying attention to what is on the road in front of them.

As such, many drivers must be aware of these dangers and the impact that they can have on your life, as well as the lives of others. There are some tips that you should keep in mind to avoid these accidents.

Tips for Staying Safe and Avoiding GPS Distractions

Proper Installation: Many GPS devices are not built into the vehicle. Because of this, you want to ensure that the GPS is properly mounted so that it does not fall off while you are driving, creating dangers when it is out of your reach. You should place the GPS at eye level so that you can keep your eyes on the road while you quickly refer to the screen periodically. 

Program Before You Drive: Many people will start to program their GPS while they are already in the midst of driving. This is especially true for those who are in a hurry and believe that they do not have extra time to fiddle with their GPS before they leave. You should always take the extra minute to program your destination before you leave so that you can pay more attention to the roads.

Use Voice Commands Over Touch: Voice commands will better allow you to keep your eyes on the road and reduce the chances of an accident. You should always keep the radio low as well so that you can hear what the GPS is telling you, which could help you reach your destination. 

Pull Off the Road: Many people find that there is a change of direction when they are going on a long trip. If you have to reprogram your GPS as a result, you should always pull over to do it. 

Hang onto Maps: It can be tempting to throw away your maps when you have a GPS. However, you should never fully rely on this piece of technology, as maps can still be useful. You never know when you will need it so it pays to keep it in your glove compartment.

Speaking with an Attorney After a Distracted Driving Accident

Distracted driving causes thousands of accidents on Florida roads every year, which means that drivers are at risk for serious injuries as a result of these accidents. At Sheftall & Associates, our Florida car accident attorneys are dedicated to helping you gain compensation for a variety of aspects after an accident that is not your fault. These accidents are highly preventable and, if one occurs, we will help you bring a claim against a reckless party. Please contact our accident attorneys in Florida at 904-647-2296 for more information as you navigate the legal system.