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St. Augustine, FL – Head-on Collision at FL-207 and Lightsey Rd Intersection

Factors That Can Affect the Value of Your Car Accident Claim

There are many factors that can affect how much you receive for your car accident claim. After you have been involved in a car accident, you might wonder what types of compensation you can receive. Being injured in a car accident can have a huge impact on every aspect of your life and you have a right to find out how much you are entitled to. Having a knowledgeable attorney on your side can help you build a strong case so that you can successfully move forward.

What Can Impact How Much Compensation You Receive? 

Nature and Severity of Your Injuries: Depending on the severity of your injury, you might be entitled to more compensation than you would have gained if you had minor injuries. Insurance companies are more likely to give you a higher award if you have sustained an injury so serious that it can permanently affect your life. For example, you may receive more for a traumatic brain injury than you would for a broken leg. This is because a broken leg might heal within a few weeks while a TBI could prevent you from returning from work, driving, or completing household tasks that you once enjoyed. If the injury has an enormous impact on your life, you can expect to receive more for it. 

Factors That Can Affect the Value of Your Car Accident ClaimMedical Expenses: Medical expenses can have a huge impact on your life as well. There are many factors that can determine how much you receive including the therapy you have received, any surgeries you have had to endure, and the appointments that you will have to follow up with. If your medical insurance does not step in and account for these damages, then you might have a variety of out-of-pocket costs that you will have to cover on your own. This is why it is always important to collect this information from your doctor so that you can show evidence that will help you obtain compensation. 

Contributory Negligence: The insurance company will take a close look at your claim and determine who contributed to the accident. Florida has comparative fault statutes that reduce the compensation that you are owed based on your own negligence. For example, you might be found to be 20% at fault for your accident. This means that your compensation will decrease by this amount.

The Information You Provide: You must also be able to provide solid evidence that will help you obtain the most compensation for your losses. There are many documents that will help you receive the compensation you deserve, such as the following:

  • A statement on how the accident occurred
  • Your doctor’s statement on any future treatment you will require
  • Police reports on the accident
  • Witness statements that corroborate your account on the accident

Receiving Help from a Car Accident Attorney 

At Sheftall & Associates, our Florida car accident attorneys are willing to speak with you and help you achieve the best outcome after an accident that is not your fault. We will help you receive the reimbursement you deserve if you are able to establish evidence showing another party is at fault. You have many rights and protections under Florida law. Please contact our attorneys in Florida at (904) 575-9026 for more information on your options moving forward.