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How Posting to Social Media Can Hurt a Car Accident Claim

How Posting to Social Media Can Hurt a Car Accident Claim

Social media is a part of many people’s lives. We share everything with others on social media. However, if you have been involved in a car accident in Florida, it may not be the best idea to turn to social media for a listening ear. This is due to the fact that social media makes it easy for your statements to become public knowledge, which means that it could impact your personal injury claim.

Many people think that what they share on their social media pages will stay private. This is why we turn to social media to talk with friends and rant about recent events that have affected us. After you have been injured in an accident that is not your fault, you may turn to friends and family on social media so that you can talk about what you are feeling. It may not be a good idea to do so.

Ways That Social Media Can Ruin an Accident Claim 

In one recent year’s time, over 254,310 people were injured in Florida car accidents due to the negligence of others. Being injured in a car accident can impact all aspects of your life. You may turn to social media as a way to seek advice or let out your feelings. However, as you may find, it is best to speak with your attorney about the best advice moving forward. A social media post could ruin your personal injury claim in many ways.

Injuries Aren’t Bad: If you are making social media posts about activities that you have been enjoying since your accident, the insurance company or other party’s attorney may use these posts to show that you are not as badly injured as you claim. They may use photographs of vacations or enjoying time around your house even if you were in pain or recovering during those photos.

How Posting to Social Media Can Hurt a Car Accident ClaimAdmission of Fault: Saying things like “I never saw the vehicle coming” or “look who caused an accident” might be seen as an admission of fault. Insurance adjusters will be looking at everything you have to say about the accident, which could land you in a bit of trouble. 

Didn’t Suffer Emotional Distress: If you post too much and you appear cheerful on social media, you may not be eligible for pain and suffering damages on the same level as you once expected. If you appear happy and at peace on social media, the insurance adjuster might say that the accident did not impact you emotionally. 

Bad-Mouthing Insurance: Everybody feels like they have to vent after a life-altering experience. However, if you are bad-mouthing the insurance company after your accident, they might try to say that you are acting in bad faith and that they do not have to negotiate with you. This is why you want to keep these aspects out of the public eye.

Speaking with a Personal Injury Attorney 

There are many types of ‘traps’ that can cause you to miss out on compensation after a Florida car accident. At Sheftall & Associates, our personal injury attorneys can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights after a car accident that is not your fault. There are many steps that you should take to receive the protection you deserve so that you can move forward during these challenging times. Please contact a Florida accident attorney at (904) 575-9026 for more information on your legal options.