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How Wet Roads and Worn Tires Can Cause An Accident

How Wet Roads and Worn Tires Can Cause An Accident

The state of Florida has one of the longest rainy seasons in the country, which lasts from roughly May to October. The length of time can vary, depending on the weather during that year. Rain usually means wet roads, and if your tires are worn, the two combined creates a recipe for disaster. It’s important to keep your vehicle in the best condition possible, including the tires. Your car’s tires are what keep it connected to the road, and if they’re not in their best condition, then you could be at serious risk for an accident.

Wet Roads Can Equal Disaster By Themselves

How Wet Roads and Worn Tires Can Cause An AccidentWet roads in the state of Florida can be a dangerous condition all on their own. During the summer months, extremely hot temperatures can leave a film on the roads. When it rains, that film becomes very slippery, creating a serious hazard on our roadways. Rain happens all the time, and people still have to go places even when it’s wet on the roads. But wet weather driving can be hazardous, causing skids, hydroplaning, and slick roads. It can be tough to keep control of your vehicle when roadways are wet, but these tips can help you stay safer:

  • Never use cruise control in wet conditions- Using cruise control during wet weather can cause you to lose control of your vehicle. Drivers may need to reduce speed by easing off the accelerator to prevent loss of traction, but this is not possible when using cruise control. It’s also important that the driver remains fully alert during wet weather driving, so cruise control should be avoided.
  • Turn your lights on- If your windshield wipers are on, your lights should be, too. Headlights can help increase your visibility during the rain and make it easier for other vehicles to see you, making it easier to avoid a collision.
  • Slow down- Rain means you need to budget for a longer travel time as traffic will be moving slower and you will also need to slow down. Hydroplaning most often occurs when vehicles are driving too fast. Take extra care to slow down when rain first starts, as fresh rain will bring out the oils on the roadway and make conditions even slicker.
  • Give extra room to other vehicles- You should always maintain a safe following distance, but be especially careful to give vehicles in front of you plenty of room. That way, you’ll have more time to react to what’s up ahead. Be sure to watch carefully for brake lights ahead of you.
  • Turn on your defroster- Avoid windshield fogging that can interfere with your visibility by turning on your front and rear defrosters to clear it up.
  • Pullover if the weather is too bad- If you can’t see cars in front of you or are having difficulty controlling your vehicle, simply pull over and wait for the rain to slow down or stop.

One of the most important things to do before heading out on wet roads is to check your tires for signs of wear and tear. Your tires are your best friend in wet weather driving, providing traction, and keeping you steady on the road. Keep an eye on your tread and tire pressure to make sure you’re ready to hit the road even when it’s not wet outside.

How Do I Tell If My Tires Are Worn?

Statistics show that 35 percent of Americans don’t know how to tell if their tires are worn. There are different methods of telling the tread depth of your tires, including depth gauges that you can buy at any auto parts store. One of the easiest ways to tell if your tires need to be replaced is by using what is called the penny test. The idea of the penny test is to check whether your tires are at the recommended tread depth. In the state of Florida, laws require that tires are at a minimum of 2/32”. Here’s how the penny test works:

  • Place a penny between the tread ribs on your tire. A “rib” is the raised portion of tread that goes around the circumference of your tire. Tire tread is composed of several ribs.
  • Turn the penny so that Lincoln’s head points down into the tread.
  • See if the top of his head disappears between the ribs. If it does, your tread is still above 2/32”, If you can see his entire head, it may be time to replace the tire because your tread is no longer deep enough.

When performing the penny tire test, remember not only to check each tire but to check various places around each tire. Pay special attention to areas that look the most worn. Even if parts of your tread are deeper than 2/32”, you should still replace the tire when any areas fail the penny test. Consistent wear around the whole tire is normal, but uneven tread wear could be a sign of improper inflation, wheel misalignment, or a variety of other things. If you see uneven tread wear, you should have a technician inspect your vehicle.

Talking With A Car Accident Attorney In Florida

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in a car accident in Florida that wasn’t your fault and hazardous weather conditions were a factor, you may still be eligible for compensation. People who cause an accident by failing to adjust their driving according to the current weather can be held liable for the accident. Our dedicated car wreck lawyers at Sheftall Law are here to answer any questions you may have about your accident and will help you determine if you have a claim. With decades of combined experience, you can be confident in our team’s ability to advocate for your needs and rights, and we will ensure that you get the maximum compensation that you deserve. Call us today at 904-647-2296 or visit to schedule your confidential consultation.