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Lake City, FL – Car Accident at Intersection of US-90 and Tyre Rd

Permanent Disability Stemming from a Florida Car Accident

Car accidents can have a significant physical and financial impact on a person’s life. Though many people will recover from their injuries, others will not and will suffer more permanent effects. In just one year’s time, it is estimated that approximately two million people suffer from permanent disabilities. It is important that these victims have the tools necessary to move forward after an accident that is not their fault.

What is a Permanent Disability? 

Permanent disabilities are those that impair the physical or mental abilities of an individual. When a person sustains one of these injuries, they might not be able to engage in the same activities that they did before the accident. These include aspects like favorite hobbies, career choices, and more. Permanent disabilities occur on many levels, which means that a person could be partially or totally disabled. Even when a person chooses to return to work, they might never be able to work on the level they did before the accident occurred. It can continue to affect every aspect of their lives.

The Effect a Permanent Injury Has on Your Claim

Permanent injuries stick around for some time, which can have a long-lasting or even life-long impact on a victim’s life. This means that everything from their finances and work-life to their quality and social life will be greatly impacted. If you sustain permanent injuries, you could be looking at a longer recovery period, surgeries, long-lasting therapy, doctor bills that continue to pile up, and other related expenses.

Permanent Disability Stemming from a Florida Car AccidentOn top of that, many permanent injuries don’t just impact a person on a present level but also for their future. You might not be able to return to work at all, which could significantly impact your income for a period of time or for the rest of your life. You may feel ongoing pain for a long period of time as well. This means that victims of accidents who sustain permanent injuries could be placed in a difficult position and require more compensation.

Common Permanent Injuries Caused by Car Accidents 

Many types of permanent injuries occur due to car accidents. One of the most common, for instance, are traumatic brain injuries. This can be anything from a concussion to a coma. A person could also receive a spinal cord injury that causes them to become paralyzed. There are many types of injuries that could have a permanent impact on your life and cause you to suffer physically and financially.

Consulting a Florida Car Accident Attorney 

Being injured in a car accident in Florida can leave you with questions. If a car accident has resulted in permanent disability, it is imperative that you seek the help of a personal injury attorney who has handled cases like these in the past. Our skilled and compassionate attorneys at Sheftall & Associates are dedicated to helping you through this challenging time as you navigate the legal system and work toward the compensation you deserve. Please contact a Florida accident attorney at (904) 575-9026 for assistance in your time of need.