Tips On Dealing With a Drunk Driver After an Accident in Florida
It is widely known that drunk driving is dangerous and can be a deadly decision to take. In 2016 the Department of Transportation documented that 18% of all vehicle deaths are caused by drunk drivers. However, drunk drivers can be even more dangerous after the crash. They could become unpredictable and angry, turning their fury towards you.
Anyone in an accident should call 9-1-1 first. After the first responders are on the scene, the situation greatly improves. The impaired driver must be seen by medical professionals to have their Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) checked and documented. If an individual’s BAC is over .08, they shouldn’t be behind the wheel as they are legally intoxicated.
Ok, you’ve called for help, and first responders are on their way. What’s next, and how do you deal with an impaired driver while remaining at the scene? Below are some tips to help you successfully deal with a driver who is clearly intoxicated.
Keep Your Distance From The Other Driver
Drunk drivers are unpredictable and can change behaviors in an instant. To be sure you and those with you are safe, stay in your vehicle and wait for the first responders. Some people can be hard to tell if they’re impaired, and sometimes people don’t know what to look for. There are ways to tell if someone is under the influence of alcohol.
Signs that a driver is drunk can include:
- Glassy Or Bloodshot Eyes- blood vessels clump together from alcohol consumption reducing oxygen in the blood, making them take on a red look.
- Angry Or Confrontational- aggressive behavior is a side effect of excessive alcohol intake. Alcohol is known to make us act in ways we usually wouldn’t. Any stress to a drunk driver could escalate the situation.
- Slurred Speech- this is one of the most common signs of drunkenness. Alcohol is a depressant, which slows down brain function and causes speech to slur.
- Stumbling Around- the other driver could be exhibiting signs of a head injury if their balance is off. This is also an obvious sign of drunkenness.
- Extreme Confusion- while this could be a harmless consequence of the wreck, confusion could also be a sign a driver is under the influence of alcohol.
- Smelling Like Whatever They Have Consumed- It’s common for drunk drivers to smell like beer or liquor.
- Excessive Sweating- Alcohol causes a lack of oxygen in the blood to expand the vessels near the skin as well. This can cause a person to feel flushed or overheated.
Never point out someone’s blatant intoxication. Putting blame on a clearly intoxicated driver for the wreck isn’t a good idea either as they can become violent and aggressive.
Steady and calm is how you should be handling impaired drivers. Don’t try to handle the situation by yourself. It could escalate and become even more of an issue for you and anyone with you. Pay no attention to the other driver if you can’t trust their state of being.
Inform Emergency Personnel of All Events
While speaking with the medical team or the police, don’t apologize for the car accident. You must fight your natural instincts to apologize. Any guilt could be taken as you accepting fault for the crash. Florida is a comparative negligence state, so admitting guilt could be used against you in court.
During your statement, give all the information in an honest and comprehensive manner. Inform them of any behaviors of the other driver as well as your belief that they are intoxicated. It is effective to give detectives the best picture of the accident so they can piece together the scene for investigation purposes.
The report should be repeated to the EMS when they arrive. Inform them of any and all pain you feel and in what manner it could’ve been from the accident. All injuries to you or others should be documented by medical professionals should they become worse in direct relation to the crash.
Take Pictures at the Scene
Along with giving your statement to the police and other emergency responders, you’re going to need as much proof as possible. One of the ways is to take photos of the accident. Cellphones have become a valuable resource these days in the fact that they provide timestamps when photos are taken.
Some things you should take photos of include but are not limited to:
- Any damage to your vehicle- sometimes things may slip the investigator’s eye. Your photographs could lend a new approach or shed light on a certain something they missed.
- Everything around the accident scene- this could be buildings or property surrounding where the accident took place.
- The other driver’s vehicle- Something with the other driver’s car could open new possibilities for the investigators to follow for an even better look into what all happened.
- Any visible injuries- your injuries should be well documented. EMS, the hospital, and your own pictures could be used in the investigator’s reports.
Taking photos of the scene if you’re able to is not only proof of the accident, but proof of the location and the damage that was done to both vehicles. Make sure you show these photos to the police at the scene and to the judge in court along with the timestamps to have legitimate proof for your case.
Speaking With A Skilled Florida Car Accident Attorney
Have you or someone you love been involved in a Florida car accident with a drunk driver? Our dedicated and compassionate Florida auto accident lawyers at Sheftall Law are here to answer any questions you may have about your unique situation and will help you determine if you have a claim. We understand the frustration of being involved in an accident with a drunk driver and with decades of combined experience, you can be confident in our team’s ability to advocate for your needs and rights, and we will ensure that you get the maximum compensation that you deserve. Call us today at (904)-638-7712 or visit to schedule your free, no-obligation, and completely confidential consultation.