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Top 5 Child Injury Accidents

Top 5 Child Injury Accidents

Keeping children safe is a priority. While there are several ways that children can sustain bumps, bruises, and other injuries there are some situations that cause the most harm to little ones. For children that are under 19 years-of-age fatal injuries are the main reason why children lose their life. Every year across the United States around nine million children will sustain physical bodily harm that requires emergency room treatment. Annually, the cost of treating child injuries is close to $12 billion

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were over 7,000 children under the age of 19 that lost their life due to an unintentional injury in 2019 alone. If another party’s negligence is what caused your child’s injuries you may be able to obtain compensation for those damages. In Florida, the Jacksonville child injury attorneys at The Law Offices of Sheftall & Associates can evaluate your situation and advise you on options that may help you get the financial compensation you need for the harm your child had to endure.

Top Child Injury Accidents

Top 5 Child Injury AccidentsIn 2019, approximately 20 children died every single day. Considering the types of deadly incidents that took the lives of these young people, many of these deaths did not have to happen and could have been prevented. 

The following are the most common scenarios where children can suffer severe and deadly injuries.

Car Accidents

An astounding 150 children will require emergency treatment for injuries after a car accident every hour.  The number one reason behind the death of children aged five to 19 is traffic accidents.

There was 400,432 total automobile accident in Florida in 2021. Florida continually ranks as one of the top states in the nation to report the highest number of accidents each year.

If you were in a car accident in Florida, you may be able to be compensated for the damages you sustained. The Jacksonville car accident attorneys at The Law Offices of Sheftall & Associates can assist you with a Florida personal injury claim.


Very young children should be monitored and have a close eye kept on them at all times because little children are curious and they learn through their senses. Children are prone to putting items in their mouths because they do not know better. In just seconds a baby or toddler can put something in their mouth that causes them to choke. Also, while sleeping, infants are at high risk of suffocation. So keeping cribs free from loose items and toys, and placing babies on their backs can help. Additionally, having a baby monitor can help you check on your child as they slumber without disturbing them.


Bodies of water like pools, lakes, or other swimming holes pose a major risk to children as three children will die in a drowning incident daily. For children one to four years of age, drowning is a top cause of death.


There are so many items that are kept in the home which are incredibly dangerous if a child gets ahold of them. From cleaning items to medications, if a child ingests one of these items they can be poisoned. On a daily basis, there are 300 children that suffer poisoning injuries and need emergency treatment. Two children will die every day from poisoning incidents.


Falls are not just a problem reserved only for the elderly. There are approximately 8,000 fall incidents that happen in children that result in emergency treatment every day. Falls can cause lacerations, broken bones, head trauma, and more. 

Some injury events only produce minimal harm, but others can have devastating consequences. Individuals who take care of children are bound to do what they can to protect them and keep them safe. With proper attention, many childhood injury events can be avoided.

Child Injury Prevention Tips

Parents, caregivers, teachers, and other responsible parties that are tasked with caring for children can take proactive measures to keep them as safe as possible. Even though it is impossible to completely protect children from sustaining harm, playing an active role in trying to minimize the risk for potential incidents that could cause injuries is imperative. Some actions that can be taken include:

  • Always monitor children on a playground.
  • Check playground equipment to ensure nothing is broken or unsafe.
  • Equip your child with appropriate safety gear when they are riding their bike, skateboarding, playing sports, or engaging in other recreational activities where harm could transpire.
  • Apply child-proofing items to sharp corners, electrical outlets, doorknobs, and other locations in the home where young children could sustain injuries.
  • Keep medicine, cleaning items, laundry detergent, and other toxic products out of reach and locked away from children.
  • Keep pools fenced and secure from children being able to get in.
  • Use appropriate child seats and restraints when in the car.

These tips are just some of the things that caregivers can do that can better keep children out of harm’s way. If a child is severely injured, taking them to get medical care immediately can help them recover more effectively. Also, depending on how the injury accident took place, speaking with a Jacksonville personal injury attorney could be necessary. 

Speak to a Jacksonville Personal Injury Attorney Today

The incidents above detail the top five causes of child injury incidents but this is not an exhaustive list. Burns, being struck by an object, dog bites, and bug bites are just a few more perilous situations that exist in which children can often be hurt. Some injuries can be so serious that treatment in a specialized pediatric trauma facility is necessary. 

Injuries can happen in many places such as in your own home or that of another party, in daycares, at school, and at sporting events, for example. It is essential that your child’s rights and best interests are protected after an injury accident. To determine if filing a Florida personal injury claim applies to your specific circumstances, please call the Florida personal injury lawyers at The Law Offices of Sheftall & Associates today to schedule a free consultation at 904-647-2296.