Why It’s Important to Have a Wrongful Death Attorney in Florida
After losing somebody you love in a life-altering accident, your life could be turned upside-down. As the bills pile up, you may be left grieving, which can put you in a challenging position. No amount of money can put things back to normal after you have lost somebody you love, but compensation can help you back on your feet when you have bills to pay. It is important that you never work alone after an accident that has taken a loved one from you prematurely.
Reasons for Hiring a Florida Wrongful Death Attorney
Understanding of Legal Process: If an attorney has handled wrongful death claims in the past, they will be knowledgeable about your claim in the future. You should always have an attorney on your side who has a vast understanding of the Florida Wrongful Death Act and can help you every step of the way when it comes to your claim. An attorney can also keep track of deadlines that you have to meet such as the state’s statute of limitations. In Florida, this is two years from the time of your loved one’s death.
Save Time and Money: Wrongful death lawsuits are some of the most time-consuming cases, which is why you want an attorney on your side who can expedite your claim as much as possible. If you try to handle it yourself, it could take longer and you may not receive the compensation you deserve. On top of that, the process can be expensive so you want to ensure that you are doing it correctly the first time. Your attorney will help you with these aspects.
Valuing Claim: Your attorney will have knowledge of how to best value your claim. They will be able to help you consider all important aspects in your claim including medical expenses for your loved one’s care before their death, funeral expenses, loss of earnings, and even pain and suffering.
Offer Support: Those who have lost somebody close to them require vast amounts of support, especially because this can be an emotionally devastating time. Your lawyer can relieve the many burdens you might be feeling during these difficult times by taking on many aspects of your claim. This will give you more time to heal for your losses.
Go to Trial: Most wrongful death cases are settled before ever seeing the inside of a courtroom. However, if litigation is required, you want an attorney on your side who has experience with trial and will be able to assist you through this turmoil.
Speaking with a Florida Wrongful Death Attorney
If you have lost someone you love in an accident, it is important that you take the time to speak with a wrongful death attorney in Florida. At Sheftall & Associates, our personal injury attorneys have assisted numerous families on their path toward compensation after fatal car accidents in Florida. We are here to assist you as you work toward reimbursement for aspects like pain and suffering, funeral costs, and more. Please contact an accident attorney in Florida at (904) 575-9026 for more information.