Why Most Car Insurance Claims Are Denied After a Car Accident
Though many car insurance claims will be successful, others are denied each year. Receiving a claim denial may leave you feeling helpless or like a book has been closed. However, there are ways that you can fight an insurance claim denial, especially if you have started to work with a Florida car accident attorney after your accident.
There are many common reasons for claim denials. If you take appropriate steps and work within the deadlines, you may be able to avoid a denial.
Common Reasons for Insurance Claim Denials
Avoidable Accident: Sometimes, an accident can be avoided but a driver does little to prevent this. The actions that a person takes before an accident occurs are incredibly important. If you did not do anything to prevent the collision, a denial could occur. The insurer might believe that your coverage is not valid due to these aspects, such as drinking and driving even when you knew that it was risky behavior.
Not Reported in Time: How long you wait to report your accident is important as well. If you do not report the accident within the timeframe and too much time passes, your claim will be denied. It is important that you report it soon after it happens for the best results.
Delayed Medical Treatment: If you have received injuries in a car accident, you should never delay seeking medical treatment. Not only could it be detrimental to your health, but your claim could also be denied if you wait too long or fail to receive treatment at all. Receiving your medical records will show the insurance company that you moved forward with treatment and that the accident is as severe as you say it was. If you fail to receive treatment, the insurer might say that a preexisting condition led to your injuries, your injuries are not as severe as you say they are, or that your injuries do not exist.
Insufficient Coverage: Accidents lead to costly damages in some cases. This could easily exceed an at-fault driver’s insurance policy, which is why you should always read up on your policy.
Negligent Actions: If you were acting in a grossly negligent manner, the insurance company might deny your claim. There are some actions that will lead to a denial including driving under the influence of alcohol, driving without a license, driving without car insurance, or being involved in an accident that could have been avoided.
How a Car Accident Attorney Can Help
Receiving a claim denial might be one of the hardest things that you have ever endured because it can leave you feeling confused and alone. Luckily, with the help of a car accident attorney, you will be able to take a closer look at your claim and work toward results. Our personal injury attorneys at Sheftall & Associates understand how difficult it can be to move forward with a car accident claim but you do not have to stand alone. Please contact an accident attorney in Florida at (904) 575-9026 for the help you deserve.